【敬拜讚美500系列】第三集推薦??前陣子,陪了我們好久的圖書影音店歇業了,之後就好少到那邊晃啦,最近羅賓一直問我圖書影音【敬拜讚美500系列】第三集那裡買會比較便宜!上網幫他查了 【敬拜讚美500系列】第三集推薦,開箱文,價格,報價,比較,圖書館,圖書,圖書館館藏查詢,圖書資訊管理,圖書館戰爭,圖書分類,圖書館開放時間,圖書管理系統,圖書總館,圖書資訊學系,推薦那裡買便宜!經過多方比較後,發現【敬拜讚美500系列】第三集曾在富邦momo購物網圖書影音產品類造成搶購熱潮,價格也很實在,重點是買的安心。【敬拜讚美500系列】第三集到貨的速度還滿快的,一拿到之後為之驚艷,CP值超高!。商品網址如下:




【敬拜讚美500系列】第三集早就是暢銷的明星商品,還沒有用過的這邊介紹一下,【敬拜讚美500系列】第三集吸引我的最大因素,除了好用之外,我覺得它的CP值高到破錶了呀! 【敬拜讚美500系列】第三集更多詳細的資訊這邊請:




※收錄全世界最美最常用的敬拜讚美歌曲500首 打造最艱鉅的完美工程

※每首詩歌皆用不同方式重新詮釋 帶出永恆完美的福音傳承 點燃我們對父神的敬拜之火

五百套裝系列收錄了全球多達500首最受歡迎的詩歌,每首歌都用不同的方式詮釋出永恆完美的福音傳承,激動我們的心,點燃我們對 神的敬拜,讓靈裡對 神的尊崇與渴慕由然發生,完全降服在父神寶座前。


01 At Your feet we fall (I am He that liveth)

02 Overwhelmed by love

03 More love more power

04 Come and see (We worship at Your feet)

05 God is good

06 Jesus' love is very wonderful

07 Holy Spirit we welcome You

08 Father of creation (Let Your glory fall)

09 What a friend (Jesus Friend forever)

10 Here I am

11 Let there be love

12 Blessing and honour (Ancient of Days)

13 Down the mountain the river flows (The river is here)

14 I want to serve the purpose of God (In my generation)

15 Jubilate everybody (Jubilate Deo)

16 Thank You Jesus


01 O let the Song of God enfold you (Spirit song)

02 I will enter His gates (He has made me glad)

03 In heavenly armour (The battle belongs to the Lord)

04 There's a place where the streets shine (Because of You)

05 Jesus take me as I am

06 I just want to praise You

07 See Him lying on a bed of straw (Calypso carol)

08 I'm accepted

09 We bow down

10 One more step

11 O Lord our God (We will magnify)

12 We'll walk the land (Let the flame burn brighter)

13 Soften my heart Lord

14 Let Your living water flow

15 May the fragrance

16 This is the day


01 If I were a butterfly (The butterfly song)

02 For this purpose

03 It's Your blood

04 Alleluia alleluia (Alleluia No 1)

05 O God of burning cleansing flame (Send the fire)

06 Jesus what a beautiful name

07 It's rising up

08 I want to be out of my depth in Your love

09 When I feel the touch

10 Shout for joy and sing

11 Beauty for brokenness (God of the poor)

12 There is none like You

13 We declare Your majesty

14 Brother let me be your servant (The servant song)

15 Living under the shadow of His wing

16 He's got the whole world in His hands

17 My heart is full (All the glory)

18 Lord You are more precious than silver









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